Poco, Santana, Journey, The Byrds...original members of these iconic bands, we have them on this "fan favorites" episode from our last 50 shows. Poco's Rusty Young (Episode 103) and Paul Cotton (Episode 110), Santana and Journey's Gregg Rolie (Episode 125), and The Byrds's Chris Hillman (Episode 104) join award-winning producer and host Ray White on this very special show. They share with us their best stories and yes, we have much, much more! A very special treat from your friends that bring you the very best today, from yesterday's top artists... Classic Artists Today!!
Marcy Levy aka Marcella Detroit returns for part 2 of our interview from January 2023. She's sang with the superstars of rock including Eric Clapton, Elton John and Bob Segar. On this episode, rock music guru Ray White continues his session with Marcy to talk more about her days with Eric Clapton, collaboration with Siobhan Fahey (Bananarama) in Shakespears Sister and a phenomenal recording session with Elton John. Marcella's latest album is called Gold. Be sure to listen to part 1 of our show with Marcy on Episode 146. In our showcase segment we feature the 2020 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee band Depeche Mode, who just released their Memento Mori album. Learn more about our shows at Classic Artists Today.